May 10, 2009

Just 9 1/2 weeks to go!

Well, I still don't have the pictures posted for the last blog, but I will get there soon! We have been pretty busy lately and it is not going to slow down for the rest of the month. Lots has been going on...

Last Monday was a hard day for me. I did not feel Kendra move at all, so I called my doctor. Feeling like I was being an over reactive mother tried to down play the fear I was feeling. Once the nurse called back I had felt her kick twice in 5 minutes...after I had pushed on my belly for about 5 minutes. They figured it was best for me to see my doctor, so I went in, thinking it would be quick. She would hear the heartbeat and she would say "Everything is just fine. Most 1st time mothers panic", but she didn't. She said, before even hearing the heartbeat, "You are going to the hospital to get and NST (Non-Stress Test). " That wasn't what I needed to hear. It just made me a little more panicked. She did hear Kendra's heartbeat right away, which was a relief.

I was actually supposed to be on my way to my 1st Baby Shower, but I had to take a detour to the hospital. I know was the best thing, but I didn't want to hear any bad news. After 20 minutes of being monitored, they said "Everything looks good!" That was the best news that I heard that day!!!

So, off to my shower I went. My supervisor was hosting it for me at her house and everyone waited the extra hour for me to show up. We had a blast, played some fun games, ate great food, and opened many presents. It was a relaxing end to a stressful day!

I no longer think how nice it would be if Kendra would just stop moving so that I could fall asleep. It is now more relaxing to feel her move around before I fall asleep! Let's just hope she likes to sleep at night when she is outside of my womb!

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